Home Event Validation of the ECREEE Gender Strategy

Validation of the ECREEE Gender Strategy

08may(may 8)9:00 AM10(may 10)11:00 AMValidation of the ECREEE Gender Strategy9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (10) Praia, Cabo Verde, Achada Santo Antonio Rua Jardim Gulbenkian, Prédio ADS, 3. Andar, C.P 288, Achada Santo António Praia, Cabo Verde

Event Details

ECREEE with support from GIZ, under the programme “Promotion of a climate-friendly electricity market in the ECOWAS region (ProCEM II)”, is organizing a validation workshop of the ECREEE’s Gender Mainstreaming Strategy and Action Plan. The meeting is scheduled to hold from the 8th to 10th of May 2024 in Praia Cabo Verde.

The objectives of this workshop are:

  • Validate ECREEE’s 2023-2027 Gender Strategy and Action Plan
  • Conduct training for stakeholder on the GENDER.

Participants expected at the meeting includes the gender focal points from the energy ministries in the ECOWAS Member States, representatives of the ECOWAS Centre for Gender Development (CCDG) and staff from ECREEE.


Concept Note



8 (Wednesday) 9:00 AM - 10 (Friday) 11:00 AM


Praia, Cabo Verde

Achada Santo Antonio Rua Jardim Gulbenkian, Prédio ADS, 3. Andar, C.P 288, Achada Santo António Praia, Cabo Verde