ECREEE and REEEP agrees on cooperation

REEEP activities in West Africa are getting a boost thanks the formation of the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE).

Concurrent with ECREEE’s inauguration on 6th July 2010 in Praia, Cape Verde, which saw the signing of the Headquarters Agreement between the Government of Cape Verde and the ECOWAS Commission as well as the first meeting of the ECREEE Executive Board, REEEP has signed a Memorandum of Understanding making ECREEE the West African focal point for REEEP. Among a wide range of items, the document commits the two organisations to creating synergies through:

  • Maintaining regular working contacts and strengthening the co-operation;
  • Joint activities in creating and enabling an environment for renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and services;
  • Joint  promotion of REEEP’s and ECREEE´s calls for proposals; Exchange of information and mutual review of work programmes;
  • Publishing of common positions or documents

“We think the formation of ECREEE will help to reduce the technical, financial, economic, legal, institutional barriers to the development of modern energy services in the region,” says Marianne Osterkorn, REEEP’s Director General, “and we look forward to fruitful collaboration in the future.” Mr. Mahama Kappiah, Executive Director of ECREEE, expects that the cooperation will open up unique possibilities for knowledge transfer from other regions of the REEEP network.

Further information on REEEP is available at