USAID and ECREEE Partner to Increase Energy Access Across the West Africa Region

On 9th February 2018, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) held a signing ceremony to mark the beginning of a new partnership to enhance renewable energy development in West Africa. The US Ambassador to Ghana, Robert P. Jackson, and the Executive Director of ECREEE Mr. Mahama Kappiah, signed the agreement and expressed their commitment to sustainably develop the renewable energy sector in West Africa.

The $3 million partnership will include activities focused on areas such as: implementing measurement campaigns on hydro power sites, supporting investment processes across the region, co-funding clean energy mini-grids using ECOWAS’ renewable energy facility, in addition to providing data management and capacity building across the ECOWAS region.

“The United States Government is working with West African institutions to double access to power in Sub Saharan Africa, and emphasize the need to improve the enabling environment especially for renewable energy projects,” remarked Ambassador Jackson. “We are committed to supporting increased regional integration and cross-border trade, with a view to lower cost, and bring more reliable energy for the people of West Africa through a fully-functional West African regional power market by the end of 2020.”

The event was organized under the U.S government’s Power Africa Initiative which aims to support energy sector development on the continent. Through Power Africa, USAID works in partnership with West African Regional Energy Institutions to enhance energy efficiency and encourage the use of renewable energy.


The USAID/West Africa regional mission’s goal is to promote social and economic well-being advanced by West Africans.  Spanning 21 countries, USAID/West Africa designs and implements programs with West African partners to strengthen systems of non-violent conflict management, support economic growth, and expand quality health services. The American people, through USAID, provide economic and humanitarian assistance in more than 100 countries worldwide. For more information please visit


ECREEE is a specialized Centre of Excellence of the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS), with a public mandate to promote a regional sustainable energy market. ECREEE’s main activities include policy development, capacity building, awareness raising, knowledge management as well as business and investment promotion. Further information is available at: